Jacob Preston Pottery
10 Church Street, Bluffton, SC 29910
Maps & DirectionsJacob Preston has been a full-time working potter for nearly forty years. He has lived in Bluffton, SC since the mid-1970s. Most days, Jacob can be found in the studio, doing those things that potters do: forming the clay, trimming and decorating, glazing, firing the kilns, or chatting with customers and visitors. The atmosphere is pleasant, playful and productive. The bulk of work that Jacob does is done by commission, usually after extensive conversation with the customer, whether a collector, a visitor wanting a tangible memory of the lowcountry, or simply a neighbor needing a sturdy utilitarian piece or perhaps a specially inscribed wedding gift for a favorite friend. Like much of what happens in the lowcountry, a visit to the studio is somewhat tidal, it ebbs and flows. If the kilns have just been fired, there are lots of pots and a huge variety. High tide. If business has been particularly brisk, or if there was a recent group visit, the shelves may not be full, but there is always interesting work. Low tide.